Stop Motion Advert


We received feedback on our advert in the form of a survey, sent out to a group of people who had viewed our advert. 

Question 1: On the whole, to what extent would you say you enjoyed our advert?

The results included: one 1, two 3s, eight 4s and 3 5s (1 being poor, 5 being excellent). The 1 can immediately be identified as an anomaly as we tracked the person who gave us this results other answer, finding that when asked what they thought of the advert, they gave only positive information. From the rest of the results we could gather that, although the advert was effective, and the feedback was mostly positive, the advert was not quite perfect and could certainly be improved. Furthermore we added a comments box, asking people why they had given the answers that they had. We received from this box feedback such as 'I thought the advert flowed really well and persistance of vision was used well' suggesting that the advert, technically, had turned out very well, and was an impressive effort in the field of animation style. We also had the feedback that our advert was 'Was different to a lot of other adverts you see.' and that they 'Liked the way the props changed throughout' showing that it was not only good technically, but also the advert was creative and had a good narrative structure.

Question 2: Did you find the pixilation smooth?

From this the results were very positive, with 12 people answering 'yes' and only two people 'no'. Showing again, that technically we had mastered our advert, with a good persistance of vision. This smooth pixilation came as a result of the sheer number of pictures we had taken, given a very steady FPS for the time and budget we were given to record the advert. However there was still two no's, Meaning that the pixilation wasn't quite perfect.

Question 3: Did you enjoy the song used in the advert?

This question was important to ask as it is possibly the most important part of the advert, because if the audience did not like this song, it was unlikely they would want to listen to the album. As 100% of people surveyed responded yes, it was a good choice of song to use.

Question 4: What did you like about the advert specifically?

This was a good question to ask as it shows us what we did well. Most of the respondents answered with either liking the unique style of the advert or the clothing changes, which occurred throughout the advert. However, this question does not allow for any negative feedback, which might have been a problem if somebody did not like the advert.

Question 5: Do you feel that the animation style (pixilation) suited the advert?

As you can see, the majority of responses have said yes (92.86% of people). This is what we ultimately wanted people to say otherwise our advert wouldn't be effective at doing it's job and achieving it's purposes. This question let us know that we've used the correct type of animation and that is works well.

Question 6: After watching the advert and listening to the song would you consider buying or trying out the whole album?

This was one of the most important questions we asked mainly because the primary purpose of the advert is to increase sales of the new Beck album and if people don't feel influenced to go out a purchase the album then it would have been a waste of time and money. Fortunately, 75.57% of people said they would actually go out and buy the album which is great news, hopefully reflecting that out of all the people who see the advert, 3/4 of our target audience would actually buy the advert.

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